Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hello, Sepoloh!

Amik ko. Sebulan aku tak update blog. Tahu-tahu dah bulan Oktober. Nth, myb life cenggitu je. Tak de travel mana2, takde heartbroken, takde jatuh cinta. eh. Kesimpulan tak de benda yang aku rasa best nak cite. Writer block sgt lah kononnya. 

so. apa yang aku nak bebel dis tym? ok. i've been tagged by my beloved 'twin' utk yg 20 facts about me tu kt fb. tp rasa mcm fb ni terlampau open la plak nak cite psl diri sndri. blog ni mcm private sket n tak ramai org tau jdnya, sini lah aku skrg. Writing about myself. 

20 facts about me. sitisyuhadamohdisa's version:-

1. I dont like selfie/selca sorg2. Dulu selalu la buat. zmn2 baru nk hidup dlu. But now tak faham dgn idea senyum2 sorg2 kt camera phone sndri. Then upload. Motif? [honestly pernah buat skali masa umu2 dh gini but then kena gelakkan ngan adik aku. tobat tak buat lagi]
2. I've known an angle. Kenal rapat. and i called her- ibu. 
3. Kpop has turned me into pedo.
4. I dont understand haters. They are weird. Kalo dah tak suka-unfollow je la. why must being sooo vocal about other's life? 
5. I dont like issue. Benda boleh settle, settle kan je. Minta maaf and move on. No point nak pertahankan ego kalo tidur mlm pun tak lena. 
6. Sebelum mati kena try bungee jumping and para gliding
7. people defined me as garang. but i defined myself as straightforward
8. muka aku sebijik salin muka ayah. sikap pun. dats y aku syg gila kat mak aku
9. i have five younger brothers- they are my pride
10. and i care A LOT about my pride. 
11. d last tym i fall in love was in 2002. yeah. 12 years ago. crush bersepah 
12. being a lawyer was my childhood ambition and i'm proud to say dat i've reached my ambition
13. aku mudah nak syg org. org myb susah nak syg aku
14. i have a limited circle of friend. 
15. my real, true and one and only bff is my mother. she know me inside out. 
16. I have things with anything white in color. Target nak beli warna lain but selalu end up dgn benda warna putih.
17. ..but i dont like lelaki kulit cerah2 ni. jambu gilos
18. did i told u my mother is my other half? even mcm mana pun, we have totally different taste in everything. Guys contohnya. I like Remy Ishak, she doesn't. She likes Fahrin Ahmad, and he is a BIG no no to me.
19. aku ada high interest dgn puisi. tp kdg2 susah nk faham apa yg org ckp kan which means i'm not that good with poems 
20. i'm a morning person. aku boleh nyanyi right after bangun tidur. 

so? entah. apa motif tag2 ni pun aku tak tahu. Heh.

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